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Mother and Baby

Ready for sleep?

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Доверете се на едни от първите и най-опитни консултанти в страната

Сънят на Вашето дете е в добри ръце

Консултации за бебета и деца
5 мес. до 10 год.

от 0 до 4 месеца

I want a consultation

for a newborn


You will not just buy a solution, but make a conscious investment in a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.

✓ Лична консултация

✓ Писмени насоки 

✓ Възможности за пълно и частично съпровождане


We can realistically achieve:

✓ Independent sleep skills
✓ Predictable and age-appropriate schedule
✓ Coping with night wakings
✓ Good and sufficient naps
✓ Healthy sleep habits
✓ Preparing parents with valuable knowledge

Optionally, we can also work for:

  Getting rid of the pacifier

  Night weaning

  Transitioning the child to their own room

Консултации по хранене

✓ Самостоятелно хранене
✓ Разширяване на кръга от предпочитани храни
✓ Край на способите с разсейване, обещания, награди и заплахи
✓ Осигуряване на адекватен хранителен прием
✓ Постигане на режим на хранене

✓ Хранене на масата

✓ Избягване на чести грешки при храненето и захранването
✓ Подготовка на родителите с ценни знания

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For sleep with

Healthy sleep habits mean a healthier child. A well-rested child is more playful, curious, happy, energetic and ready to learn. Quality sleep is directly related to immunity, growth and development, and the best news is that it is completely achievable.

"What about crying"

Parents always ask us if our solutions include crying - this is one of the first topics we will discuss during the consultation and will take into account when preparing the plan for our work together.

In order to achieve change, we will have to fight for it together. This will happen at the pace you prefer and in relation to the desired results. Crying is your child's way of protesting against change, and depending on the approach we choose, you can expect that a change in his or her sleep habits may lead to some protest. We can always work to minimize protest by choosing the most gradual change possible.

You must be sure that we will never ask you to let your child to fall asleep independently before they are ready , nor will we make you ignore their cries.  You will have the opportunity to develop a response plan based on what you know about your child. This will give you confidence and peace of mind that you are doing your best for them.

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